Holiday Hours

The California Raptor Center will be CLOSED Monday 1/20 for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (a University Holiday)

If you have found an injured bird, please call the California Raptor Center and leave a message
You can also contact your local Animal Services or refer to this list of local wildlife centers that may be able to assist you

off site presentation at Turkovich Family Farms

Off-site presentations

On-site programming is available. Please call the education office to inquire.

To protect our education ambassadors from exposure to Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI), off-site programs featuring live raptors are currently suspended.

Off-site presentations

This option is the best fit for: Schools, Assemblies, Libraries, Events

By appointment only.

We visit classrooms for grades K-12, as well as events for organizations such as Boys and Girls Club of America, Boy Scouts of America, Kiwanis Club, and Rotary Club.

All educational materials, including live raptors, are brought to your classroom or event.

Program Options

Standard Raptor Program, 1 hour long = $175
Meet 1-3 of the CRC's educational ambassador birds and learn about raptors. This program can be tailored to your group's specific interests; topics can include general raptor biology, specific types of raptors, wildlife rehabilitation, raptor ecology, and raptor conservation, depending on which topics you would like to learn about with your group. This program is best suited for groups of up to 75 participants in a classroom, library, multipurpose room, presentation hall, or auditorium setting. 
For two back-to-back programs at the same venue (e.g. two classes at the same school), price per program is $150. 

"Little" Raptor Program, 15-30 minutes long = $100
This program is best for younger audiences. Meet 1-2 of the CRC's educational ambassador birds in a shorter, simplified version of the Standard Raptor Program with more emphasis on sensory learning with non-living raptor specimens (wings, feathers, talons, etc.) and raptor games (Owl Camouflage). Recommended for Pre-K through 2nd grade.
For two back-to-back programs at the same venue (e.g. two classes at the same school), price per program is $75. 

Tabling/Booth with live ambassador birds = $125 per hour
Are you running a science fair, nature festival, or other large wildlife-oriented event? The CRC can join you with several of our educational ambassador birds and other educational specimens to help educate visitors about local raptors and raptor conservation. Fee is on a per hour basis, and the CRC can join your event for up to four hours in total.

There is a travel fee of $1/mile for presentations outside of the local Davis-Woodland-Dixon-Vacaville-West Sacramento radius. 


Programs can begin at 9:30 AM at the earliest, depending on commute time. Evening programs can be arranged, but we cannot bring daytime-active raptors to programs that end after dark. We can accommodate a maximum of two back-to-back Standard Raptor Programs at any one venue.

Area Served

We primarily serve the Davis-Woodland-Dixon-Vacaville-Sacramento area as far west as Fairfield/Vallejo, as far east as Auburn, and as far south as Galt and Rio Vista. We cannot travel more than 1 hour each way (=2 hour round trip) for our educational outreach programs

How to Schedule

Contact the Education Office at (530)-752-9994. 
To expedite the process, please provide the following information: 

  • Your name
  • Name of your school or organization
  • Phone number
  • Age range and/or grade level of your group
  • Number of attendees (approximate is okay)
  • Location of venue
  • Which program you would like
  • 2 or 3 possible dates and times, or date of event

Please note that our Education Office is primarily staffed by volunteers and receives a high volume of program requests. It may take several days to receive a response to your enquiry. We appreciate your patience and understanding and recommend that you contact us about off-site presentations several months prior to the proposed date.